
The information contained in these pages has been compiled by the experienced attorneys and staff at Manning Leaver. We make it available here as a resource for our clients and members of the business community.
Articles & alerts
Manning Leaver publishes articles of legal interest written by our attorneys and various other professionals in the industries we serve. These articles may contain legal alerts, commentary and business advice. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and you'll get our most important articles right in your in-box.
The Auto dealership buy/sell articles section contains a categorized index of our articles written about the process of buying and selling new motor vehicle dealerships and has proved to be a valuable resource in that area.
Manning Leaver publications
Our attorneys have authored a number of major publications, written for the automobile dealer industry and distributed by the California New Car Dealers Association to its members. Look here for detailed information about these publications, including: The California New Car Dealers Association Management Guide, an extensive and detailed guide for auto dealers which is updated regularly, is approximately 600 pages in length, contains an in-depth discussion of the many laws and regulations applicable to California automobile dealers, and is widely used throughout California; The California Auto Dealer Advertising Law Manual, nearly 500 pages in length, which covers the extensive California and federal laws and regulations applicable to the advertising of vehicles in California, has a down-to-earth explanation of the advertising rules, and contains examples showing good and bad advertising; The California Auto Dealer Finance and Insurance Compliance Manual, which is a valuable tool in training F & I personnel and in complying with the numerous intricacies of California law in the vehicle sale and leasing process.
Useful links
The Internet is full of information, but knowing what information is relevant and what sources are trustworthy isn't always easy. To help, we've compiled this categorized list of links to websites dealing with a range of topics, which we feel are useful for both businesses and consumers.
Auto dealer library
This list of downloadable documents, compiled by our attorneys, include valuable information on various court cases and regulatory decisions affecting the automobile dealer industry.